Tuesday, April 10, 2012

DIY Internet Marketing/ Mapping SEO Progress



Mapping  SEO Progress

Keep a log in order to gage  effects  of your SEO efforts.
To find out how many of your site's pages are indexed by search engines use site:yourdomain.com . Related to this is the crawl rate of spiders, which can be found at Google Webmaster Central

Benchmarking Current Rankings
Because of all of the inconsistencies related to ranking, which means any given result is not necessarily correct, it's more practical to look at your traffic and conversion stats, as the truest indicator as to where you should spend your resources.
Google analytics & Yahoo analytics, are 2 good tools for bench marking.
Focus on the data that is relevant to your goals.

SWOT Analysis of SEO
3.opportunities(which areas are doing o.k.but have room for improvement
4. threats (compare your weaknesses with competitors' strengths

Good SWOT analysis is the most valuable 1'st step you can take re: web marketing & SEO.

1 comment:

Jack said...

It's more realistic to look at your visitors and transformation statistics, as the strict signal as to where you should invest your sources.
internet marketing seo