Friday, March 11, 2011

Online Marketing at a Fraction of the Cost / Part 5

Establishing  Measurement Systems

An SEO project needs to establish a measurement system, so it can track 
its' results and measure its' success. In order to accomplish this task, 
you need to have the correct measurement systems in place.

Many web hosting companies include web analytics software with their service.
One of my goals of this blog is to understand, interpret and respond correctly 
to the information that analytic software provides.

According to " The Art of SEO", you must put the following basic systems 
in place before you launch your SEO project. Detailed use and understanding 
of these tools will be forth coming in later chapters of "The Art of SEO".

Web analytics software gives you a lot of cool info about your website, such as 
how many visitors you've had, your traffic count,  search terms used, popular pages,
best converting pages.

Two free sources for web analytics software are and .

Logfile TrackingThis software tracks activity of spiders on your website.
AWStats & Webalizer are two free sources of logfile software.

Google and Bing Webmaster Tools 
These tools tell you how search engines see your site, giving you a host of  
data on external/internal links, crawl errors and much, much more.

Search Analytics
Monitors how you site interacts with search engines. Enquisite Optimizer is 
the software of choice.

I personally use "" to host my websites.
I'm off to see that the of recommended analytic software mentioned thus 
far has been included on those websites.

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